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I actually found out about Gina McQueen through tattoo artist Akuma Shugi on Facebook indirectly. She showed up on his profile’s ‘People You May Know’ tab while I was looking through the tattoos he’d done. I wouldn’t have found out about her impressive works if I hadn’t been too curious.

Gina McQueen hand paints Irezumi on leather from London. This particular piece she’s been working on the past months happens to be a custom tattooed sofa for a client in New York. Unluckily, Gina have been quite busy the past weeks so she hasn’t been able to go for a little chat. She won’t mind if we share her marvellous creations, though. Hopefully, we’ll be able to finally sit down with her and get to talking; she has more to give. See for yourself on her Instagram.


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This was Gina’s blank canvass. It was an average-looking couch that might be similar to the one you have at home. Not for long.

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Once the creative ordeal is over with, Gina glazes it with a protective coating to prevent smudging and preserve the art on the couch. That way, anyone who sits on it won’t be walking off with a freaking Noumen plastered on his arse.


Check out some of the other sofas she’s worked on so far.


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We especially loved this white, refurbished one she’d done. It’s very tasteful and modern. Whilst the tan-coloured sofa may look more of the part of a couch in a tattoo shop, this one looks like something that would go along with your Ikea furnitures in your cozy flat at Central.


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This is the gem she’s currently working on. It’s turning out gloriously. I’m seriously considering a custom piece from her.


Gina Mc. Queen, facebook, instagram



Bron: Tattoodo.com